2e Retraining: (in PFS) can you use it for non-feat Class choices, such as a Bard's Muse or a Druid's order

Pathfinder Society

Horizon Hunters 3/5

As per the subject line: when the APG comes out, if I like the new Bardic Muse better than the one my Bard has already chosen, can I use retraining to switch?

And yes, I know that I could use the free Retraining boon for that, but I already used it to change him from human to halfling, back when I was still wrapping my head around the new 2e rules.

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Organized Play Guide wrote:

Retraining: You can also use Downtime to retrain certain abilities and swap them out for new ones. This works as described in the Core Rulebook.

Retraining a feat, skill increase, or a spell in your spell repertoire takes 7 days of Downtime, while retraining a selectable class feature, such as a druid order, takes 28 days. If you level up when still in the process of retraining a selectable class feature such as a druid order, you may choose an option that would be legal for the new order you are retraining to, though you may not use that ability until the retraining is complete.

Horizon Hunters 3/5

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Thanks - that's exactly the info I was looking for!

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