Is it 12 or 16 XP to level up a character?

Organized Play General Discussion

Grand Lodge

OK, simple question that I can not find an answer to with searching the here or on the web. I am awarded 4 XP per scenario our group completes.
1. Do I need to complete 3 or 4 scenarios with a character to have it level up?
2. Does my familiar level up at the same time as my character?

If I am missing reading a section in be PHB for 2e please point me in the right direction. Everything I can find says 1000 XP per level and does not say anything about my familiar.

1. This does not compute. You should get tens of XP for each monster your group defeats. 4 XP sounds like you're talking about an entirely different game.

2. Yes - you do not track XP separately for familiars and companions.

I am presuming that is about organized play, in which case, you need 12 XP to level up. You wont find that in the CRB, because it is unique to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The link below should help you out.

Organized Play Player Basics.

Grand Lodge

Thank you Some Kind of Chymist that was the information I needed to clear things up.
I still am interested if the Companion/familiar moves up levels as I move up. So if I am level 5 is my Companion/familiar also level 5 (I am guessing yes because of what Zapp said).

Thank you both!! May all your saving throws be high.

Grcles de Cross wrote:
I still am interested if the Companion/familiar moves up levels as I move up.

Yes it does

Rules on animal companions.

Your animal companion uses your level to determine its proficiency bonuses.
Your animal companion has ancestry Hit Points from its type, plus a number of Hit Points equal to 6 plus its Constitution modifier for each level you have.


Rules on familiars.

Your familiar’s save modifiers and AC are equal to yours before applying circumstance or status bonuses or penalties. Its Perception, Acrobatics, and Stealth modifiers are equal to your level plus your spellcasting ability modifier
Your familiar has 5 Hit Points for each of your levels.

On this topic, could someone give me the short answer as to why Organized Play prefers 12 XP instead of 1000 XP?

Zapp wrote:
On this topic, could someone give me the short answer as to why Organized Play prefers 12 XP instead of 1000 XP?

Because 1000 isn't divisible by 3, and they want characters to level up after completing 3 Scenarios.

Plus, that way they don't have to care about the actual XP budget of a given Scenario.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Zapp wrote:
On this topic, could someone give me the short answer as to why Organized Play prefers 12 XP instead of 1000 XP?

Lots of reasons.

But, specifically, only Pathfinder Society Second Edition uses 12xp.

Pathfinder Society First Edition and Starfinder Society use 3xp.

1000xp is hard to divide by 12.

12xp is more versatile. It allows you to earn as little as 1xp for a Quest, which can be played in an hour at a Convention to introduce people to the game. Previously, Quests took 4 hours to complete, and consisted of 4 one-hour sessions, but still granted only 1/3 of a level if you played through all 4.

That's hard to explain to a newbie you've just met.

Increasing XP from 3 to 12 also works with online Achievement Points, which you accumulate as you play/GM more and can be traded for Boons, like starting a character at a higher level or allowing the use of an Uncommon Ancestry, like Lizardfolk or Hobgoblins.

12xp is the evolution of over a decade of Organized Play experience and feedback.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Cool, thx

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