Languages of Thassilon?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

What languages would have been spoken in ancient Thassilon?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Callum wrote:
What languages would have been spoken in ancient Thassilon?

The primary language was Thassilonian, but Jotun, Varisian, Shoanti, and Azlanti were pretty common as well.

Silver Crusade

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James Jacobs wrote:
Callum wrote:
What languages would have been spoken in ancient Thassilon?
The primary language was Thassilonian, but Jotun, Varisian, Shoanti, and Azlanti were pretty common as well.

I'd always thought that Shoanti and Varisian were offshoots of Thassilonian that were separate languages due to 10 Millenia of evolution. I'm VERY surprised that they were spoken in anything remotely like their current form 10,000 years ago.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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pauljathome wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Callum wrote:
What languages would have been spoken in ancient Thassilon?
The primary language was Thassilonian, but Jotun, Varisian, Shoanti, and Azlanti were pretty common as well.
I'd always thought that Shoanti and Varisian were offshoots of Thassilonian that were separate languages due to 10 Millenia of evolution. I'm VERY surprised that they were spoken in anything remotely like their current form 10,000 years ago.

Both the Varisians and the Shoanti were already there when Thassilon came along. The language was likely quite different back in that day, but it did exist. Having those languages exist is a deliberate element so that creatures from Thassilon would and could have an option to communicate in "modern day" encounters using a language that PCs would be more likely to know.

(And keep in mind that there's a certain amount of "fantasy" going on with a world that has a recorded history of well over 10,000 years, so what's "right" for the real world doesn't have to be "right" for the game.)

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