martinaj |

So after watching a bunch of Dimension 20, I wanted to do something a little sillier for a game. So I'm thinking of starting up a starfinder game where the big theme is that the PCs are the red shirts on Starfinder Society vessel. This would definitely not be the RAW Starfinder Society - they're going to be bureaucratic and kind of callous and more of a caricature of the England's golden age of exploration.
But to start characters, I was thinking I'd just make a list of professions that a red shirt might hold. Ship Sanitation Specialist, Officer Refreshment Dispenser, etc. I want to come up with about a dozen of these, and each PC picks a profession that their character ended up filling on the ship (regardless of their actual expertise). Any suggestions for similar job titles?

BigNorseWolf |

Early childhood development specialist The master of stars (the society's biggest flagship) apparently has some kind of childcare.
Nutrition specialist (cook)
3d printer tech
copy machine technician (paperless office is coming AAAANy year now...)
alternate landing gear system operator (when it gets stuck someone turns a crank)
safety instructor (in the event of a crash, your seat cushion can be used as a life preserver or an emergency nutrient bar)
window washer

martinaj |
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Early childhood development specialist The master of stars (the society's biggest flagship) apparently has some kind of childcare.
Nutrition specialist (cook)
3d printer tech
copy machine technician (paperless office is coming AAAANy year now...)
alternate landing gear system operator (when it gets stuck someone turns a crank)
safety instructor (in the event of a crash, your seat cushion can be used as a life preserver or an emergency nutrient bar)
window washer
I love these. I'm kind of torn between having them play out these positions for a few missions or having them be part of the away team on the first session, only for the captain and first mate to die by lava monster or something, and then the ship radios to ask who is left alive and they're like "Ah, no one important then," and start the campaign with them marooned on an uncharted planet.