I removed the original post as well as all replies. This thread is locked. The original content of this thread contained criticism about the Oblivion Oath stream. Some criticisms, such as of improving the lighting, angles, or improving details such as the background were fair commentary. I’m sure we could improve in many ways!
Unfortunately, there were some demeaning comments directed toward the participants of the stream. While I don't think the OP meant to be hurtful, the criticisms of our Oblivion Oath players were not commentary we are comfortable hosting on our forums. These are Paizo employees, the actual people who make and help manage the products that reach your home tables and games. They are active members of our community, and commentary on their appearance or personalities can easily become a personal attack on those individuals, which our community does not tolerate. Judging or valuing people based on their appearance or any other perception does not coincide with the positive community we would like to keep.
Oblivion Oath, and the rest of the Official Paizo twitch channel is an opportunity for Paizo people to talk and interact straight to you folks, and that’s a relationship we’re happy to have! I too have been on our twitch stream, and would be so disheartened if these criticisms became the norm of our community.
Please be respectful to all members of the community when you post, and remember that we have a diverse community of individuals on or forums and engaging with the Oblivion Oath stream, including Paizo employees.