Acquiring emblazoned weapons (Emblazon Armament) in PFS2?

Pathfinder Society

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Clerics have access to a chain of feats that provide a minor enchantment to their weapon and armor: Emblazon Armament (2), Emblazon Energy (8) and Emblazon Antimagic (12).

Emblazon Armament notes that "The item becomes a religious symbol of your deity and can be used as a divine focus while emblazoned, and it gains another benefit determined by the type of item. This benefit applies only to followers of the deity the symbol represents."

In other words, you don't have to emblazon your items personally; you could ask another priest of your deity to do it for you. How would you resolve that in Society play?

The closest thing I could think of would be to treat it as a Spellcasting Service, but these are uncommon, and I doubt such a specialized application would ever come up as a boon or item for an adventure, so that's effectively shutting that down as a possibility.

4/5 ****

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I think you answered your own question.

Robert Hetherington wrote:
I think you answered your own question.

I do think there are enough differences between "spellcasting" and "using a feat" that there is room for discussion.

I'm a beginner when it comes to organized play for RPGs. What would be the process to obtain an authoritative answer to this question?

4/5 ****

I totally agree, using a feat and spellcasting are different.

In this case there is no listed rule for purchasing "using a feat." Therefore you cannot purchase it. There is no ambiguity.

As for your second question create a thread with a question about something ambiguous and hit the FAQ button.

You could likely even use this one since you have a well written question. The answer is obvious enough that I wouldn't expect a lot of other people to hit the FAQ button or for campaign leadership to respond.

You never know though, I've been wrong before and I'm sure I'll be wrong again.

Sovereign Court 3/5 5/5 *

Do keep in mind, "The symbol doesn’t fade until 1 year has passed, but if you Emblazon an Armament, any symbol you previously emblazoned and any symbol already emblazoned on that item instantly disappears. "

So you can only ever have one at a time. I agree with Robert as I don't think it's going to get a response, because you're not going to find a lot of clerics NPC or otherwise willing to permanently give up use of a feat for you for a year.

I could see it showing up as a boon on a chronicle, however, where an NPC offers to do it for you in thanks for your help.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Yeah, I would not expect this to happen, though GM Suede makes a good suggestion, it might work as a limited boon.

Unfortunately, the bit GM Suede quoted really ruin and chance that you could buy it in organized play, though it is a bit disappointing that you forget to quote that part in your opening post.

If the designers wanted to include this effect as something you could purchase - which is tricky since it is a class feat - I could see it happen as a boon you buy for a couple of fame/ACP and that can be slotted a couple of times until it is used up.

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