Crypt of the everflame maps


So I'm GMing my first game with a party of 3 adventures and since this is Covid time we're playing on roll20. I was able to improvise maps for all of the activity leading up to the crypt but I can't find maps online to use for the crypt itself. I'm sure this not a unique situation, so I was wondering if anyone could give me a suggestion on where to look online to get maps from Kassen's crypt online for roll20.

Thank you!

The dungeon from Crypt of the Everflame is the same one depicted in Flip-Mat Classics: Dungeon. You should be able to use the PDF to put it into roll20. (I don't use roll20 so I'm not sure exactly how that VTT works, but I know I can use a PDF to make a map in MapTool.)

EDIT: You can pull all the maps out of the Crypt of the Everflame PDF as well, but if all you need is the dungeon, the flip-mat PDF is slightly cheaper if you don't already own the adventure PDF.

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