Werrt's Weapon

Age of Ashes

Scarab Sages

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I have noticed a few times that the art department is apparently not reading the story or vice versa.

Werrt is a Boggard warrior, and would assume has the same weapons as a regular Boggard Warrior, because of the fact that the Chapter does not mnake any reference to the fact that the art is showing that he is using a short bow "dripping with poison" What kind of poison is it? I can make adjsutements to a Boggard Weapon selection, but why no reference in the text?

Scarab Sages

I guess we can assume that it is Blue Dragonfly Poison per the Bestiary pg. 45, but it would nice for the text to recognize it as well.

Scarab Sages

Soory last sub-post, but the tactics indicate that as soon as they notice the PC's, Werrt rushes in to melee - why then carry a shortbow dosed with poison? So confusing. Come on editors - play the game you are writing at the same time you are writing it, and let the art department know what the tactics are to come up with a realistic impression of Werrt in "Melee" attire

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Werrt has neither a poisoned arrows nor a bow of any kind, he is an unmodified Boggard Warrior from the bestiary. As for why he has one in the art, there were some miscommunication/timing/something else issues with the art in Book 1 that don't carry over to the other books. It's the same reason why Alak Stagram is depicted in hellknight armor with a halberd, but is described as being out of uniform, wielding a silver greatsword.

Scarab Sages

ToiletSloth wrote:
Werrt has neither a poisoned arrows nor a bow of any kind, he is an unmodified Boggard Warrior from the bestiary. As for why he has one in the art, there were some miscommunication/timing/something else issues with the art in Book 1 that don't carry over to the other books. It's the same reason why Alak Stagram is depicted in hellknight armor with a halberd, but is described as being out of uniform, wielding a silver greatsword.

Thanks for the clarification. I already set him up, so I will prob work it in.

Eliphas Levi wrote:

Soory last sub-post, but the tactics indicate that as soon as they notice the PC's, Werrt rushes in to melee - why then carry a shortbow dosed with poison? So confusing. Come on editors - play the game you are writing at the same time you are writing it, and let the art department know what the tactics are to come up with a realistic impression of Werrt in "Melee" attire

The game wasn't finalized yet. Hellknight Hill, the Bestiary, and the CRB were all being written at the same time. There wasn't a Bestiary everyone could reference yet. Also, art is the most expensive thing to change, so if Werrt's statblock or Alak's graduation got tweaked at the last minute it is unlikely they were going to be able to update the art.

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