Snes |
Your companion is a tusked pig.
Size Small
Melee (A) tusk, Damage 1d8 piercing
Str 2, Dex 2, Con 2, Int -4, Wis 2, Cha 0
Hit Points 8
Skill Survival
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Speed 35 feet
Support Benefit Your boar kicks up debris, obscuring the vision of your opponent. Until the start of your next turn, as long as you are adjacent to your boar, you are concealed.
Advanced Maneuver Ferocity
Ferocity (R)
Frequency once per day
Trigger The animal companion is reduced to 0 Hit Points but not immediately killed.
The boar avoids being knocked out and remains at 1 Hit Point, but its wounded condition increases by 1.
Your companion is a crocodile or alligator.
Size Small
Melee (A) jaws, Damage 1d8 piercing
Melee (A) tail (agile), Damage 1d6 bludgeoning
Str 3, Dex 2, Con 2, Int -4, Wis 1, Cha 0
Hit Points 8
Skill Stealth
Senses low-light vision
Speed 20 feet, swim 25 feet
Support Benefit Your crocodile opens its jaws and hisses, intimidating your enemies. Until the start of your next turn, each time you hit a creature in the crocodile’s reach with a Strike, the creature becomes enfeebled 1 for 1 round.
Advanced Maneuver Death Roll
Death Roll (A)
Requirements The animal companion’s last action was a successful jaws Strike.
The crocodile makes another jaws Strike against the same victim. If it hits, the target is knocked prone.
Your companion is a sheep, goat, or other horned caprine.
Size Small
Melee (A) horn, Damage 1d6 piercing
Str 2, Dex 3, Con 1, Int -4, Wis 2, Cha 0
Hit Points 6
Skill Survival
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)
Speed 30 feet, climb 10 feet
Special Your ram +1 status bonus to Acrobatics checks to Balance on narrow surfaces and uneven ground
Support Benefit Your ram’s sure footing helps you react more nimbly to enemy attacks. Until the start of your next turn, as long as you are adjacent to your ram, if you attempt a Reflex save and roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead.
Advanced Maneuver Headbutt
Headbutt (A)
The ram makes a horn Strike. If this Strike hits, the target is also stunned 1.
Paradozen |
Looks neat. Some thoughts:
The Ram's support benefit seems very niche, and their advanced maneuver seems really strong. Might balance out overall, but I'd probably tweak it personally. I'd go with the Cave Gecko's support benefit, it seems to thematically be similar
Support Benefit Your cave gecko helps you stay afoot, leaning into you and propping you up as you maneuver your opponent. Until the end of your next turn, as long as you are adjacent to your cave gecko, if you attempt to Disarm, Shove, or Trip an opponent and roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead.
and change the advanced maneuver to successfully Shove the target instead of stunning it.
The crocodile support benefit description Your crocodile opens its jaws and hisses, intimidating your enemies seems to fit the debuff Frightened 1 more than Enfeebled 1.
RicoTheBold |
I think this belongs in the PF1 section.
Uh...what? These are definitely PF2 animal companion statblocks.
Anyway, I totally dig the boar.
I'd point out that minions don't get reactions, so technically the ability shouldn't work, but Paizo added an animal companion with one in the Age of Ashes AP so you're in good company.
Snes |
Looks neat. Some thoughts:
The Ram's support benefit seems very niche, and their advanced maneuver seems really strong. Might balance out overall, but I'd probably tweak it personally. I'd go with the Cave Gecko's support benefit, it seems to thematically be similar
and change the advanced maneuver to successfully Shove the target instead of stunning it.
The crocodile support benefit description Your crocodile opens its jaws and hisses, intimidating your enemies seems to fit the debuff Frightened 1 more than Enfeebled 1.
I know the cave gecko's benefit would be perfect for the ram, but I really didn't want to copy existing abilities. There seems to be a concerted effort to make all the companions unique in both their support benefits and advanced maneuvers. That's why the crocodile makes enemies enfeebled instead of frightened, as that condition was already taken by the hyena.
The ram support benefit did cause me the most trouble. I decided that the two qualities I wanted to represent were rock climbing and headbutting. Representing headbutting was fairly easy, though I think you're right about Shoving the target being a more appropriate benefit than stunning them. Unfortunately, it's hard to make good balance an offensive ability. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
Paradozen |
Paradozen wrote:Looks neat. Some thoughts:
The Ram's support benefit seems very niche, and their advanced maneuver seems really strong. Might balance out overall, but I'd probably tweak it personally. I'd go with the Cave Gecko's support benefit, it seems to thematically be similar
and change the advanced maneuver to successfully Shove the target instead of stunning it.
The crocodile support benefit description Your crocodile opens its jaws and hisses, intimidating your enemies seems to fit the debuff Frightened 1 more than Enfeebled 1.
I know the cave gecko's benefit would be perfect for the ram, but I really didn't want to copy existing abilities. There seems to be a concerted effort to make all the companions unique in both their support benefits and advanced maneuvers. That's why the crocodile makes enemies enfeebled instead of frightened, as that condition was already taken by the hyena.
The ram support benefit did cause me the most trouble. I decided that the two qualities I wanted to represent were rock climbing and headbutting. Representing headbutting was fairly easy, though I think you're right about Shoving the target being a more appropriate benefit than stunning them. Unfortunately, it's hard to make good balance an offensive ability. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
That makes sense. Maybe have the goat support ability render enemies clumsy 1 for one round if you successfully damage them because the goat is outmaneuvering them?