Difficulty level of the newer Seasons

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

My family and I have played through seasons 0, 1, and 3 (Seasons of the Shackles, the Righteous, and Plundered Tombs, respectively). We played a couple adventures of season 2 (Runelords), but we were finding it too easy and lost interest. (Some day, we may revisit and increase the difficulty).

For anyone who's played the later seasons, I'd like to know how seasons 4, 5, and 6 (Factions' Favor, Tapestry's Tides, and Rotting Ruin (as much as is released)) compare. What was their difficulty level? For us, it helps to know going in what to expect. That can also help inform character choice. ("I'll play the stronger-looking character in the tougher AP and the weaker-looking character in the easier AP.")

I'm similarly interested if anyone has played a homebrew AP. We also played through the excellent Godcallers of Sarkoris by Ron Lundeen. It was an excellent story and a perfect challenge level for our party.

Thanks for any insights!

Mummys Mask and Core (Dragons Demand and Curse of The Crimson Throne) add in the trigger trait which can penalise examines, making the game a bit harder and the banes have a lot more varied checks to defeat.
I highly enjoy them and play repeatedly with different characters

Lone Shark Games

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Most of the later seasons are similar to Plundered Tombs.

There are some variations, of course. Plundered Tombs level 6 and Factions Favored level 1 are both a little higher than normal, especially with certain party compositions.

Ultimate decks and Adventurer Packs were also added later, so choosing to use or not use them will have a noticeable impact on your difficulty curve.

There are a few other homebrews available like Shield of Rannick, Revenge of the Wicked, and Emerald Legacy. I think most or all of them can be found in the homebrew forum.

Have fun!


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Whipstitch wrote:
We also played through the excellent Godcallers of Sarkoris by Ron Lundeen. It was an excellent story and a perfect challenge level for our party.

*blushes furiously*

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