Shop Generator

Homebrew and House Rules

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So maybe this should go in general instead of homebrew, let me know.

I created a shop generator. There aren't really clear guidelines of what should be available to purchase beyond the very simplistic suggestions in the GM guide, so I made a sheet to use the following calculations:
an item has a % chance of being in the shop, 70% if it's of the settlement level -4 or lower, 65% level -3, 60% level -2, 55% level -1, 50% level, 35 % level +1, 25% level +2
if it's in the shop, there are d3 of that item, +1d4 if it has the consumable trait, 10% chance of adding 1d2, and -1 available if it's uncommon, -2 available if it's rare. The philosopher stone and elixir of rejuvenation are technically in the sheet but currently have 0 chance of being shown as available in the shop. sharing

I created it in excel, but it works in google sheets just fine. Make a copy and let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions on how to make it more accessible or if any calculations seem wonky

the next thing I want to do is have the items be linked to easy tools, possibly provide individual entries for items made from special materials, and adding an option to make certain items always available, like healing potions and common alchemical items

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