Simplified Stealth and Perception House Rules?

Homebrew and House Rules

Does anyone use house rules for simplifying stealth and perception? I find the RAW complicated and difficult to track--especially when a lot of creatures are involved. Each creature can have a different status (unnoticed, hidden, etc.) in relation to every other creature and I just don't want to deal with tracking all of that. Has anyone found a good way to simplify this aspect of the game?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Technotrooper wrote:
Does anyone use house rules for simplifying stealth and perception? I find the RAW complicated and difficult to track--especially when a lot of creatures are involved. Each creature can have a different status (unnoticed, hidden, etc.) in relation to every other creature and I just don't want to deal with tracking all of that. Has anyone found a good way to simplify this aspect of the game?

I don't know that there is? Each status represents a pretty distinct thing that needs to exist. You could collapse Enfeebled and Clumsy into the same condition and it would be fine, but "knowing what square you're in with a 50% miss chance" is very different than "they have no idea where you are", which is different than "they have no idea there's anyone else even here."

The only thing I could think of would be collapsing hide and sneak into the same action, or at least not requiring someone to hide before they sneak. But that doesn't really help with the statuses.

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Or you can male your NPC communicate so when someone spot a PC he tells everyone else where he is, thus having the same status for every NPC... ANd vice versa if your one of your PC communicate the whereabout of a sneaking NPC then the other PC knows there's someone and where he is... ;)

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Loengrin wrote:
Or you can male your NPC communicate so when someone spot a PC he tells everyone else where he is, thus having the same status for every NPC... ANd vice versa if your one of your PC communicate the whereabout of a sneaking NPC then the other PC knows there's someone and where he is... ;)

Keep in mind this does take an action on the part of the character who spotted the hiding individual, but if you are routinely having trouble with stealthy creatures having variable levels of detection among a number of characters, it's likely well worth that action (especially since it saves others from burning their Seek actions to locate the foe, at least if it's reasonable that the creatures in question have the level of tactical acumen to coordinate like that.

Alternatively, if needed, you could mark in some way which other creatures the creature is Hidden/Observed to, such as by marking the characters' initials. Worth noting that for the most part just tracking the roll is enough to know which half of the group (the high/low perception characters/monsters) differ from the default level of perception.

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