Trivial display issue

Website Feedback

In the utterly unimportant issues that you can think about fixing when there's nothing important going on category, as of today, my Cart is running over the top of My Account at the top of the page. I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that yesterday.


Ctrl 0?

Nope, I'm at default font size. Using Google Chrome, if it helps.

EDIT: Setting it down to Small does keep it from overlapping, but it makes it harder to read the posts. :)

OS? Browser?

Windows 10, Google Chrome. I actually just updated to the latest version of Chrome, but it didn't fix the issue.

I am having the same issue running Windows 10, Firefox 75.

Just noticed that this only appears to happen with I have items in my cart. When no items are there, the spacing in fine...when items are there the "Cart (?? Items)" button appears to expand and overlaps with the "My Account" button

And I'll add that it doesn't overlap on the Paizo home page, where the display reads "Cart (1)" but it does on the forum and store pages, where the display reads "Cart (1 items)."

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