Elemental Fury: 9 homebrewed elemental spells

Homebrew and House Rules

Well met, fierce warrior! This is the second in a series of homebrew spell project for pathfinder second edition. This time we're focusing on the destructive power of the elements - mostly the classical elements of fire, water, air and earth. Each of these elements got two associated spells (earth got a bludgeoning earth spell and an acid spell, for example).

The goal of this project was to create interesting elemental spells that were more than an area/damage type combo. 2E has a ton of unexplored design space so early in it's life that is just begging to be explored.

Elemental Fury

Did your favorite elements get the treatment it deserved? What kind of "themes" would people enjoy seeing in the future? As usual, any feedback on balance or other feedback on the spells is greatly appreciated. My goal with these projects is always to create spells that are usable and to the extent of my abilities, not overpowered. As I am just one person, any feedback helps out a lot with this goal.


Previous Projects in this series
Ancient Magic

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