Nefreet |
I want to preface this thread with a request to NOT tangentially discuss the value or metagame aspects of Recall Knowledge. If you feel the need to, please click on one of these two links instead. Thank you ^_^
I have a group of 1st-2nd level PCs who are about to encounter a Rare, 3rd Level Construct from Oenopion and I want to make sure I have the DC for Recall Knowledge correct:
So how do these DCs look?
A success identifies the creature and one of its best-known attributes. A critical success also identifies something subtler such as a weakness or rarely observed ability. After a success, further uses of Recall Knowledge require a higher DC for each attempt. A critical failure recalls incorrect or misleading information.
Does all of that look right?
Castilliano |
You tell us, is the construct "notorious or famed" for that region?
Or is it simply from that region?
If it's as rare there, i.e. one maker who doesn't share her blueprints, the DCs should match though the local might gain more backstory.
If they're Common or Uncommon in that region, then reduce the bump for being Rare. From the numbers, it looks like you're saying it's Uncommon in its homeland, and therefore Uncommon to PCs from there. If "notorious or famed", I'd reduce the DCs even further, that is if the PCs dwelt in their homelands, not just were born there.
I don't think DMW meant "fiat" in the normal sense of being arbitrary or you declaring authority, but in the way these forums (mis-)use it to describe GM adjudication or a GM's prerogative.
And to qualify your original statement, I believe "gain a useful clue" would be more appropriate than learn a best-known attribute. Not that they're mutually exclusive, but a lesser-known useful attribute should precede a best-known unhelpful one (IMO & as I see RAW/RAI).
Also, I wouldn't necessarily mark a Weakness as subtle by default, depending on context. In fact in some cases, i.e. fire guy weak to cold, the Weakness might not even be useful since it was so obvious anyway.
(Not that I'd mind playing a PC that liked to shout obvious clues & advice! "Hit him harder so it hurts more!" New Bard idea? Hmm...)
Nefreet |
I suppose I was interpreting that its rarity was because of its origin, but you bring up a valid point that it might be rare even where it's from. The "Rare" trait itself isn't explained.
But regarding what constitutes a "best-known" attribute versus a "subtler" one, here is how the section is worded:
A character who successfully identifies a creature learns one of its best-known attributes—such as a troll’s regeneration (and the fact that it can be stopped by acid or fire) or a manticore’s tail spikes. On a critical success, the character also learns something subtler, like a demon’s weakness or the trigger for one of the creature’s reactions.
Castilliano |
I suppose I was interpreting that its rarity was because of its origin, but you bring up a valid point that it might be rare even where it's from. The "Rare" trait itself isn't explained.
But regarding what constitutes a "best-known" attribute versus a "subtler" one, here is how the section is worded:
Creature Identification wrote:A character who successfully identifies a creature learns one of its best-known attributes—such as a troll’s regeneration (and the fact that it can be stopped by acid or fire) or a manticore’s tail spikes. On a critical success, the character also learns something subtler, like a demon’s weakness or the trigger for one of the creature’s reactions.
My "gain a useful clue" quote came from the Recall Knowledge main entry under Success.
I think it's important that a Success bring some reward rather than some "Bulettes hate eating Elves" in a party w/o Elves (or perhaps worse in a party w/ Elves since Bulettes freely kill them, just don't eat them). "Hear that, gang. We're fine since we're all Elves."Not that usefulness would be the sole criteria, since yes, I think the famous facets should represent the easier rolls. I'd aim to check both boxes.
Knowing how to stop a troll's (infamous) regeneration is indeed helpful (even if all the players know it already), as well as famous. Yet I have to wonder about the manticore's spikes which it's likely thrown already! I guess knowing they run out helps, so you can weather the storm behind cover.
I dislike the demon example re: critical, since Weaknesses to Cold Iron & Good damage are so universal among them. There's likely a ROYGBV mnemonic song for adventurers re: demon weakness (maybe contrasted w/ devils'). Same tune as the chromatic dragon song re: breath energy.
Or did Paizo mean the weaknesses that cause mental damage, which are indeed subtle? Who knows.
And the unspecified Reaction trigger? Poor example, too vague.
Oh well. Going to try to give them something useful to the moment, starting with the most likely known aspect for the PC in question.