Looking for Advice: Introducing Some Necromancers (Probably Spoilers)

Age of Ashes

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

One of my PCs has in her backstory that her now-deceased family owed a not-insignificant amount of money to the Whispering Way.

Currently the party is just starting book 3. At some point in the book 3-5 range I'd like to tug on this plot thread by having some Whispering Way agents come looking to collect from her.

Does anyone have a good idea on a place where some necromancers would logically fit into the story well without being too disruptive? I'm not really seeing anywhere in book 3 that would be super logical (Kintargo isn't super friendly to the Whispering Way, obviously, and I don't see why the Scarlet Triad would be either).

I'm not sure what kind of relationship there is between the whispering way and this creature, but there is a lich in the last chapter.

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You could have Whispering Way agents show up in Kovlar investigating the undead portion of the city. Bonus points if you throw them into conflict with the other various factions in Saggorak.

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