Orders / Sidecart messed up (Order 15023566 ,Order 12495586?)

Customer Service

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Bestiary Battle Cards and Pocket Edition Curse of the Crimson Throne were moved to my sidecart from two of these orders. I had attempted to get the Bestiary Battle Cards shipped earlier, but changed my mind looking at shipping costs. It looks to me like both items were removed from my sidecart.

If you would, please cancel the bestiary battle cards and return the CoTCT pocket edition to my sidecart so it can spawn once it's available.

Thanks in advance, know you guys are swamped right now.

Customer Service Representative

Hi Reckless,

I was able to cancel the Bestiary Battle Cards and add a Starfinder pocket edition CRB to your sidecart from order 12495586. I wasn't able to see an order for the Pocket Edition CotCT. Are you able to confirm an order number for me so I can get that sorted out for you?

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