The Danger Club Podcast Episodes

Third-Party Broadcasts

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Episode 153 - Two Rooms And A Doom (The Slithering)

Faced with a pair of secret doors and a host of possible threats, Shania and Folton choose the only logical option

Episode 153 - Two Rooms And A Doom (The Slithering).

Episode 154 - Blobby Blobby Blobby (The Slithering)

As Ooze pours in from all sides, The Club must choose whether to fight or flee, or throw rations at them, or all of those things!

Episode 154 - Blobby Blobby Blobby (The Slithering).

Episode 155 - The Poor Fumo Affair (The Slithering)

The Club talk tactics before renewing their assault on the Fuming Sludge and its slimy friends.

Episode 155 - The Poor Fumo Affair (The Slithering).

Episode 156 - Unmasked (The Slithering)

The true mastermind behind The Slithering comes to light and the Danger Club realise that their problems are only just beginning!

Episode 156 - Unmasked (The Slithering).

Episode 157 - The Pursuit Of Hoppiness (The Slithering)

The Club put Kibwe's problems on hold for a bit in order to help turn around the life of their new best friend, Welby Goodbarrel.

Episode 157 - The Pursuit Of Hoppiness (The Slithering).

Episode 158 - Trash Talk (The Slithering)

Finally inside The Archive of the Sun, Folton engages in some dirty diplomacy.

Episode 158 - Trash Talk (The Slithering).

Episode 159 - Toadal Recall (The Slithering)

The Club continue their efforts to talk their way past the Boggards guarding the Archive of the Sun and are rewarded with an audience with a queen!

Episode 159 - Toadal Recall (The Slithering).

Episode 160 - Gaze Anatomy (The Slithering)

After avoiding two potentially deadly fights, The Club come face to face with the Boggards' most fearsome guardians. They want to give them the eye but Shania has other plans!

Episode 160 - Gaze Anatomy (The Slithering).

Episode 161 - Stone Town Heroes (The Slithering)

The Club do battle with pair of basilisks, Folton overcomes his fears but runs right into deathly peril! Meanwhile cracks appear between Shania and Karagor!

Episode 161 - Stone Town Heroes (The Slithering).

Episode 162 - A Scanner Dartly (The Slithering)

A deadly trap bars The Club's progress to the upper levels of the Archive of The Sun. Can they come up with a cunning way to get past it or will somebody end up a dartboard?

Episode 162 - A Scanner Dartly (The Slithering).

Episode 163 - Scents And Scent Ability (The Slithering)

Can Shania disable the poison dart gallery before she is mown down? What's that strange smell upstairs? How will Folton's attempts at kingly diplomacy go?

Episode 163 - Scents And Scent Ability (The Slithering).

Episode 164 - A Game Of Toads (The Slithering)

The new Toad King proves both great and terrible. Meanwhile Karagor wants to try a spicy local flavour and a deadly new foe steps out of the shadows.

Episode 164 - A Game Of Toads (The Slithering).

Episode 165 - Dino What You Did Last Summer (The Slithering)

The Club need to get to Holy Xatramba as quickly as possible so they seek out transport of the reptile variety! But Kibwe has one final tragedy to witness before it will let them go!

Episode 165 - Dino What You Did Last Summer (The Slithering).

Episode 166 - Mo Monkey Mo Problems (The Slithering)

In the final DCP of 2021 Karagor must face Shania over the actions he took last week. Meanwhile Velder realises how much trouble they're in and Folton makes a million new friends.

Episode 166 - Mo Monkey Mo Problems (The Slithering).

Episode 167 - Opportunity Fox (The Slithering)

When The Club come across a spooky old building in the jungle, Velder decides to send Jin on a scouting mission. Meanwhile something is hunting our heroes through the forest.

Episode 167 - Opportunity Fox (The Slithering)

Episode 168 - With A Glitter Bit Of Luck (The Slithering)

Folton has been ambushed by Will-o'-Wisps and if he's going to make it through the night then the Club will have to bring their full disco fury!

Episode 168 - With A Glitter Bit Of Luck (The Slithering).

Episode 169 - Go Big Or Go Home (The Slithering)

A quiet clearing, a pair of dead bodies and a debt to a Mwangi god left unpaid. It all adds up to a very large problem for The Danger Club!

Episode 169 - Go Big Or Go Home (The Slithering).

Episode 170 - Chewed Ghoul’s Drag Race (The Slithering)

On the outskirts of Holy Xatramba The Club meet a couple of locals with unsettling appetites and then negotiate with one of the city's most ancient residents.

Episode 170 - Chewed Ghoul’s Drag Race (The Slithering).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

oh nice ye have had this going for two years :O

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
oh nice ye have had this going for two years :O

PF2 every week since the day it came out! I have a suspicion we may be the longest running continuous PF2 campaign podcast. And there's over a year of PF1 eps before that! It really boggles my mind sometimes. :D

If you want a hand knowing where to jump in then I can give some recommendations. :)

In the meantime, this is this week's ep:

Episode 171- An Audrey Affair (The Slithering)

The Club are faced with a choice over how to approach the demon city of Holy Xatramba and whether they can trust the Green Dragon Olohimba.

Episode 171- An Audrey Affair (The Slithering).

Episode 172 - Edie Does It (The Slithering)

The Club face breaching The Plaza of the Feasting Fiend without their wizard but immediately come upon something unexpected: a professor from the Magaambya magic school!

Episode 172 - Edie Does It (The Slithering).

Episode 173 - Pleased To Meat You (The Slithering)

Faced with a demon butcher and his bloody brothers, The Club must rely on their new spells, their new friend and Ross's reliable dice!

Episode 173 - Pleased To Meat You (The Slithering).

Episode 174 - Unchained Malady (The Slithering)

The Club interrogate a prisoner about meeting etiquette, Shania gets curious about Edie and Karagor learns that the chain really will keep us together.

Episode 174 - Unchained Malady (The Slithering)

Episode 175 - Avian Vs Predator (The Slithering)

Velder is summoned to enter the complex world of bird politics! Meanwhile The Club battle a demon dinosaur and Shania breaks out the classics.

Episode 175 - Avian Vs Predator (The Slithering).

Episode 176 - Cheeky Blinders (The Slithering)

The Club battle the demon dinosaur on the steps of the Plaza of the Feasting Fiend. Things seem to be going well until suddenly they aren't.

Episode 176 - Cheeky Blinders (The Slithering).

Episode 177 - Gagging For It (The Slithering)

Shania's life hangs in the balance as The Club race to defeat the demon Gaganiz before it can finisher her off for good!

Episode 177 - Gagging For It (The Slithering).

Episode 178 - Charm Offensive (The Slithering)

Karagor and Edie sitting in a tree. S.L.A.Y.I.N.G!

Episode 178 - Charm Offensive (The Slithering).

Episode 179 - Anga Management (The Slithering)

The Club have finally breached the inner sanctum of the Plaza of the Feasting Fiend and come face to face with Nyamat and the Chosen of Angazhan. Strap in for one of the largest and most spitty combats in the history of the show!

Episode 179 - Anga Management (The Slithering).

Episode 180 - One Ring-Tail To Rule Them All (The Slithering)

After falling into the cursed waters, Karagor may have been changed forever. Is this the end of the man who's never lost fight to man nor beast or can he rustle up some monkey magic?

Episode 180 - One Ring-Tail To Rule Them All (The Slithering).

Episode 181 - Message In A Bottleneck (The Slithering)

As The Club desperately try to hold the bottleneck against the forces of Nyamat Shania breaks ranks, Karagor takes a leap of faith and Folton faces impossible odds!

Episode 181 - Message In A Bottleneck (The Slithering).

Episode 182 - Death Of A Meat Man (The Slithering)

The unthinkable happens as Folton is gripped by Nyamet's death magic and Ross must make the roll of his life. Can the Club hold the door?

Episode 182 - Death Of A Meat Man (The Slithering).

Episode 183 - The Cult In Our Stars (The Slithering)

With the alarm raised across Holy Xatramba, thousands of demon worshippers are racing towards The Club. Can they free the prisoners and find the Cursebreaker in time?

Episode 183 - The Cult In Our Stars (The Slithering).

Episode 184 - You’ve Got Mail (The Slithering)

Following the shocking ending of last week's episode, The Club argue over what to do about Edie. Meanwhile the entire population of Holy Xatramba are trying to kick the doors in and there are two new friends to meet!

Episode 184 - You’ve Got Mail (The Slithering).

Episode 185 - Million Dollar Babau (The Slithering)

Battered, wounded and low on spells The Club must face down TWO blood demons before they can reach the Cursebreaker. As the battle rages outside, Karalemur leads the charge against their fiendish foes!

Episode 185 - Million Dollar Babau (The Slithering).

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