Large PC race, reach natural attack, size and elemental trait

Homebrew and House Rules

Hey everyone, I am working on re-building my own races, That I building using race builders guide book from 1st edition. I am wondering how to balance them out and re-building them. I have not been playing 2ed long, my group still on ashes chapter 1 and just hit level 4. Just from what I have seen so far, these things are not nearly as powerful as they used to be. What do you think fair trade off
for the following would be.

Reach with out everyone getting AoO's does not seem to be as big as advantage anymore. I mean it still an advantage but with out AoO and Combat reflexes. Ether from size or natural attack that has reach trait like and ooze pseudopod. is it a Big bonus what should the trade off be?

Size biggest thing I see you get out of being large is reach and the ability to carry more bulk. But Large equipment does cost more stuff and eat more bulk. Weapon damage seem to be limited to 1d12 being the max, so no more double the dice. So for Large Greatsword you would get no bonus, It is already maxed out. but large great club would be increased to 1d12. So I am not seeing huge advantage here either? what would be good trade off?

Elemental Trait - Since elemental, native outside is no longer sub type making you immune to spells. I am not seeing huge advantage by having this trait anymore if anything it may make you more vulnerable in theory as things that effect that trait now effect you? I have not looked at all the spell and stuff to see how big of an impact.

My Original races was Large alligator men that had ties to elemental plane of fire. they were 12RP. So they had vulnerability to cold, resistance to fire 5 before. with a swim speed. +4 to Str -4 Dex and int, +2 Wis. they had Weapon Familiarity and weapon Deficiency -1 to attack with cretin weapons and 1d8 natural bite attack due to size.

The other was Alien looking humanoid with elongated claws (they had reach with only these) that had ties to elemental plane of air. It was 12RP points, Also but was they had lot of buff and bonus to Electricity based stuff. But have vulnerability to Acid and cold. +2 to dex and Cha

A lot of these races stuff can be placed in to race feats, now with 2ed edition. Allows me to balance more stuff out over time.

But really unsure of what to do with Size, Reach and elemental resistances and vulnerabilities There are example of some of the stuff already existing so I know I can balance on those things.

What 3rd party product is this for? And what are its existing rules on this subject?

This looks more like a homebrew to me.

yeah It is home-brew, I put the wrong board. I flagged it already to have it moved.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Just to note weapon size does not increase damage dice whatsoever in pf2.

Customer Service Representative

I've moved this to the PF2 Homebrew forum.

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