PF2e APs - Any Good?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Obviously, this is a subjective question with the expectation of subjective answers. But I've held off reading Age of Ashes and Extinction Curse in the faint hope that one day I'll be a player in them. Unlikely, but I can dream.

I'm asking the boards, as spoiler free as possible, to give their opinions on the 2e APs.

I don't care about people's opinions on 1e vs. 2e, save them for another thread.

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I can’t speak for the whole AP, but volume 2 of Age of Ashes is one of my favorite adventures ever. Social adventures with an underrepresented culture, than a big Mwangi sandbox that never falls prey to racist, pulp-y tropes they so easily could’ve - and in one particularly fun bit, actively subverts them.

keftiu wrote:
I can’t speak for the whole AP, but volume 2 of Age of Ashes is one of my favorite adventures ever. Social adventures with an underrepresented culture, than a big Mwangi sandbox that never falls prey to racist, pulp-y tropes they so easily could’ve - and in one particularly fun bit, actively subverts them.

I did know that the AP takes you to the Mwangi expanse, and that was a big selling point for me. As a person who has lived in Africa, the representation of the varied and rich folklore across the continent is just shameful. And the whole "scawy Dark Continent" trope is just sickening.

Now to find a GM and 4 hours a week to play. Does anyone have a time turner handy?

Scarab Sages

I've not ran it, but reading age of ashes, it's pretty compelling. I think it makes a good use of all three phases of PF2. Extinction Curse has only had one book come out, but reading the page about the overall arc of the AP, it seems more difficult to keep in story.

Age of Ashes is pretty good as it hits a lot of different themes that most AP's probably don't as much.

I am GMing 2 groups, both midway through mod 1, then I am a player in this AP with another group and we are on Module 2 and it seems all the players and the Gm's are really liking it so far.

If you have some specific questions then post away :)


PS I have the Circus Module 1 and have glanced through it, looks good BUT I think you need a specific set of players to really get into the spirit of the theme or some might not be as excited to play through this, but we only have 1 module to go by til the end of this month.


Age of Ashes is really interesting and visits a lot of cool locations with a lot of really cool ideas, if you don't mind a few small stumbles along the way. The first two adventures are actually pretty difficult combat-wise, and you may need to find errata or comb the forums to help fix small mistakes.

AoA Book 2 is amazingly cool, as is Book 4. Book 3 is a bit dry in comparison, but a welcome break from the Mwangi Expanse. I think Book 5 lost a lot of opportunities in favor of just revisiting Legacy of Fire Book 3, and Book 6 just nails the landing. Overall I'd rate the whole thing 4/5 stars.

Not a big fan of Extinction Curse so far but only 1 book is out. Curse of the Crimson Throne's first book is also just OK, so in a few months I may have to eat crow.

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