Staffs for charcters that use both spontaneous and prepared magic

Rules Discussion

How do staffs work for characters that use both spontaneous and prepared spells?
Can you use both features?

The Exchange

Hammerspace wrote:

How do staffs work for characters that use both spontaneous and prepared spells?

Can you use both features?

Welcome to the world of PF2. Good ideas but lacking implementation.

It would seem straight forward that these individuals would get the best of both worlds in terms of prep (add charges AND shift activation cost). This is assuming that you took an MCD and not just getting innate spells.

HOWEVER, there is no actual answer to this as we cannot agree on how staffs would function overall in a case like this. (this has been posed as a question in the rules thread already but adding again would not hurt)

For example, assume you are a prepared caster with 5th level slots and 3rd level slots as a spontaneous caster (say via Basic spell casting)

How many charges does the staff get at prep time? (5,3, or track separately?)
What if a staff has 1 spell on your spontaneous list and 1 spell on your prepared list? (use all the same or track separately)

If you had a 4th level spell in the staff that is on the spontaneous spell list, could you still cast it (like you could a wand which apparently has no minimum required caster level to activate just presence on spell list)

If you did not have Basic spellcasting but just the MCD (which gives you access to the list), can you cast staff spells from the spontaneous tradition (like a wand) but charge it using the 5 slots from prepared.

Since a staff is basically a tricked out wand, one would assume you would use the wand rules (efficient casting of a set of spells)

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