Ancient Osiriani in 2nd ed?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Is Ancient Osiriani still a language option in 2nd edition as a language distinct from Osiriani? There's a reference to it under the new Living Monolith, but it doesn't seem to anywhere else in the 2nd ed rules or campaign setting material?

It also gets a brief mention in the glossary of the World Guide.

LOWG, p. 135 wrote:
Osiriani The most widespread language in northern Garund. It is derived from Ancient Osiriani.

Based on that and the Living Monolith mention, it seems to me that Ancient Osiriani is still a distinct language.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Unless we've deliberately renamed a language (which we did by changing "Giant" to "Jotun"), pretty much every language that appeared in 1st edition Pathfinder is still an option in 2nd edition. Ones we haven't put into a 2nd edition product will need to be vetted by your GM, of course, and until we publish something that makes significant use of it, you won't see us mention it in print. Feel free to think of these languages as Rare languages until then, I guess.

James Jacobs wrote:
Unless we've deliberately renamed a language (which we did by changing "Giant" to "Jotun"), pretty much every language that appeared in 1st edition Pathfinder is still an option in 2nd edition. Ones we haven't put into a 2nd edition product will need to be vetted by your GM, of course, and until we publish something that makes significant use of it, you won't see us mention it in print. Feel free to think of these languages as Rare languages until then, I guess.

Thanks for this information.

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