Unable to flag

Website Feedback

Is there something weird going on with flagging posts right now?

I tried to flag a thread as being in the wrong forum, but first, instead of the usual drop-down list I got one where they all started with "[FlagReason, id: #]," and then when I selected "Thread is in wrong forum," I got a pop-up error "Sorry, there was a problem adding your flag."

Same problem. I never used to see the "[FlagReason, id #] stuff (just the "content" i.e. "wrong forum" etc) before AFAIK, so it seems like it's showing stuff it shouldn't and not doing stuff it should. Using Firefox BTW but it worked fine all along before.

I don't know if it's been fixed in the last eight hours, but FWIW, I just flagged both Quandary and Joana's posts fine.

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Yeah, it's working again now. It wasn't over the weekend.

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