Freeport Gods Question

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

So, I am reading through the giant Green Ronin Book, and they have generic "God of Knowledge" "God of Sea." And some are easy replacements, but for the God of Knowledge, I don't think Irori really works for what they have laid out. I did a search for all Pathfinder Gods with knowledge as a domain, Toth was the only one semi usable.
Any other suggestions?

Why I don't like Irori for this. He is the God of Mastering all teh Things! Body, Mind, Spirit.
This place in Freeport is a giant library temple. Books. Books and more books. No monks. And, I like it that way. I may just create a demi-God(ess) at this point. I already created a Grey Necromancer Goddess, for my world.

Silver Crusade

If you're wanting something from Golarion then maybe Andoletta and just make her a full deity?

Otherwise we got Madgh and Zohls as well.

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Rysky wrote:

If you're wanting something from Golarion then maybe Andoletta and just make her a full deity?

Otherwise we got Madgh and Zohls as well.

Somehow I overlooked Zohls. I will make it a giant library in her honour. Thank you.

Silver Crusade

Yay! And np ^w^

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The Starfinder God "Eloritu" also presumably exists in a similar vein, just not active or known in Golarion's Solar System during the Age Of Lost Omens. Always seemed like a general god of knowledg eand magic to me, as opposed to both Irori and Nethys who have more narrow focus.

He/It is more nuetral than the other (probably better suited) Gods listed above, and that lets him be and feel more like a universal force, like Pharsama, Gozreh, etc. Mighty want to also replace Nethys.

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