List of all books with player options?

Paizo Products

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hello there, i'm trying to find a full list of every 2e book that has player/GM options Ex. feats, items, magic items, archetypes, and such. Any pointers in the right direction would be great.

Liberty's Edge

Archives of Nethys Source Listing page is the closest to what you'll get in this regard. The SRD isn't always up to date as the construction and upkeep on the website takes time and effort so if you're feeling generous the folks there DO run a Patreon to help support the efforts.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Themetricsystem wrote:

Archives of Nethys Source Listing page is the closest to what you'll get in this regard. The SRD isn't always up to date as the construction and upkeep on the website takes time and effort so if you're feeling generous the folks there DO run a Patreon to help support the efforts.

Not exactly what I meant I'm more so looking for a list of the books i would need to buy to have all the player options.

Liberty's Edge

That's a really short list so far but it will grow over time. You can click through to the various sublinks there and get an overview of the different types of Content that are in each book.

Generally, the only book that is out which DOESN'T have that kind of Character/Player Content is the Bestiary.

You can even follow through that link and browse the specific Content for each book if you click through the links to find the Source Books.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If you're including GM and Player options, I don't think there's any book you can skip.

If you're saying Player only, I still think you'd be hard pressed to skip any if you truly want all options. Every 2e module/AP chapter so far has new items for instance, and I expect that to continue. However I would expect them to be uncommon/rare/uniques. GMG and Bestiaries might be skipapble.

Since the answer is all books to your question, I think the more useful framing is how to tier the books:

Tier 1) Player focused books in the Pathfinder Rulebook line (Core rule book, and the later this year Advanced Player's Guide)

Tier 2) Lost Omen's books

Tier 3) Adventures and APs

Tier 4) Non-player focused books in the Rulebook line (GMG, Bestiaries) -- however bestiarys would still be needed for summoning spells, etc

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
NielsenE wrote:

If you're including GM and Player options, I don't think there's any book you can skip.

If you're saying Player only, I still think you'd be hard pressed to skip any if you truly want all options. Every 2e module/AP chapter so far has new items for instance, and I expect that to continue. However I would expect them to be uncommon/rare/uniques. GMG and Bestiaries might be skipapble.

Since the answer is all books to your question, I think the more useful framing is how to tier the books:

Tier 1) Player focused books in the Pathfinder Rulebook line (Core rule book, and the later this year Advanced Player's Guide)

Tier 2) Lost Omen's books

Tier 3) Adventures and APs

Tier 4) Non-player focused books in the Rulebook line (GMG, Bestiaries) -- however bestiarys would still be needed for summoning spells, etc

Thanks thats what i was looking for but I don't really use moduals when i gm so i might just have to pass on those.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yes, if you're willing to skip the custom items,feats,spells that show up in modules and APs, then the simple answer is likely:

All Lost Omen books
Some Rulebooks (need to look at on a case by case basis)

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