Ravingdork |
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I just wanted to thank whoever was responsible for making the Snickers in the Smoke encounter. It was easily one of the most fun and engaging scenarios our gaming group has encountered in a long, long time!
We're really excited to see what else 2nd Edition has to offer!

Ravingdork |

It was so amazing.
I've played 2 APs, and the first encounter of how flames are pouring into a room, with laughter coming from smoke, and everyone rushing through the room was panicking and trampling over each other was a lot more memorable than "goblins show up with torches".
Not only was the setup and descriptions top notch, but the mechanics of the fire and how to put it out was ridiculous in how well it emulated real fire.
I wish the encounter creator(s) could have seen the looks on all our faces when we realized that the entire room was only 2-3 rounds from being completely engulfed in hellfire.