Does anything block telepathy or blind(sense / sight)?

Rules Questions


I've been puzzling, what, if anything, blocks telepathy or blind(sense/sight)? Thickness of metal? Lead?

There have never been any rules on this in PF or SF. Some PF1 APs has scenarios that assumed telepathy went through stone dungeon walls just fine.

Presumably, what blocks telepathy is "Any effect that declares itself to block telepathy". Just because there isn't a particular spell or item in one of the books, does not mean such cannot or does not exist in the setting.

GM discretion question. For instance I generally say you need LOS to use telepathy/blind sense, but Fog doesn't usually block this so it is like a specialized LOS. I tend to treat telepathy like noise meaning if you can hear someone through a wall you could use telepathy through the same wall and vice versa.

TInfoil hats

There is a spell for this in the COM. Mental Silence.

Certain variants of Lashunta get it as a racial feature.

Wish it was also a Mystic spell.

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