Death Ward and Natural Attacks that deal Negative Energy damage?

Rules Questions

Does death ward protect against something like the natural attack of a Banshee?

Death Ward says:
"The subject is immune to energy drain and any negative energy effects, including channeled negative energy."

From the Banshee stat block:
Melee incorporeal touch +26 (14d6 negative energy plus terror)

Nowhere does it say that the banshee attack is a negative energy effect, it's the damage type for its natural attack.

Would someone with death ward active take damage from this attack?

FadetoBlack wrote:

From the Banshee stat block:

Melee incorporeal touch +26 (14d6 negative energy plus terror)

Nowhere does it say that the banshee attack is a negative energy effect, it's the damage type for its natural attack.

It says it there.

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