Last post timestamps under the alias webpage

Website Feedback

I noticed that within a campagin, if you look at the characters page, you can see the time stamp for all characters that post within the game.

But i was wondering if you guys ever considered extending this timestamp to a persons alias page?

The reason i ask, and what prompted this idea, is i am creating a campaign to play on here, but i wanted to extend an invite to players who played in one of my previous campaigns. But, i am unsire if the players are still active on this website. Now, in the past, i have taken the time to look through a persons alias' to see the last time they have posted, to better guage if said player is still active on this website.

I was doing the same today, and i realized "gee, this would be so much easier if i could look at a players alias page and see if said player is still active".

So i thought id float the idea here, see if its been considered, if there is a potential issue with this, and what not.


I have a small concern with that. The fact that all my posts are indexed on this site makes it much easier for someone to dig through years' old posts of mine for whatever stalkerish reasons they want.

I don't mind the GM being able to quickly see when a player last posted. But I do mind someone being able to go to my profile and get the same information about *all* my posts that easily.

I recognize that it's possible to dig through each alias and find the information anyway. Security by obscurity isn't much security at all.

But I'd prefer not to make it easier

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