Vition |
I have to say that overall, I really like a lot of what I see in PF2, but I have a couple of concerns I would like to see changes to. Since the game's already out, they are now potential house rules. I bring these up primarily to see if I've missed any potential snags or brokenness.
The (mostly) binary nature of weapon-based combat is something I'd like to see changed, especially with some of the generally higher defenses many of the monsters have. The second is expanding action economy to work with spellcasting. Ideally, both these would be implemented at the same time, as individually, I think they provide too much of a buff to one type or the other.
Weapon-Based Combat
The attack roll is below the target's AC by 6 or more. The attack misses, causing no damage. Automatically happens on a roll of a natural "1" (may also include a fumble chance).
Near Miss
The attack roll is below the target’s AC by 5 or less. This attack causes some harm to the opponent but does not truly injure them. The damage done is halved and damage modifying abilities are not included in the damage roll.
Solid Hit
The attack roll hits the target’s AC or exceeds it by less than 10. This attack causes normal damage with the proper damage modifying abilities being applied.
Critical Hit
The attack roll exceeds the target’s AC by 10 or more. A solid hit to a tender area, normal critical hit conditions apply. A natural 20 on an attack roll will also cause a Critical Hit.
Deadly Hit
The attack roll exceeds the target’s AC by 15 or more. For every 5 above 10 the attack roll exceeds the target’s AC the multiplier for the critical hit is increased by 1 (x2 -> x3, x3 -> x4, etc.).**
**I may also just decide that hits succeeding by 15 or more just immediately kill the target, but I include the rules so that the players are aware of how high level enemies might do even more damage to them than they'd otherwise expect.
Spell Casting Action Economy
-Spellcasting is inherently limited in the three action economy. To allow for spellcasting to more directly interact with it, I am including options to decrease and increase the number of actions to cast a spell.
-For damage dealing spells, you can decrease the spell’s action to a single action, but the total damage done is halved (quartered on a successful save). This does not decrease the components needed to cast a spell.
-For non-damage dealing spells, you can decrease the spell’s action to a single action, but the result is always a result below the two-action version.
For all offensive two-action spells, you can increase the number of actions to three in order to increase the DC of the spell by +2.
-Casting multiple spells per round is possible, but at least one of the spells must be a cantrip.
-Haste and other spells, abilities or effects which increase the number of actions can interact with this system. Anything which allows the extra action to be used for a Strike action can be used to interact with the Spellcasting Action Economy.
I'm not entirely sure how to work buffs into this. It might simply be increased duration, or whatever numbers can be increased by some amount. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any.
Thanks all in advance of looking this over.