Campaign: The Ratpack in The Shattered Star

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Scarab Sages

There used to be a Campaigns sub-forum for posting updates about ongoing campaigns. I can't find it now, so I'm posting this here for those that might be interested in such a thing.

Session notes for Session 4 of our campaign are now live on my blog, Bugbears for Breakfast.

Did I mention we are all playing ratfolk? We are. It makes certain parts of the written adventures stand out in unusual ways.

We have just finished playing through Master of the Fallen Fortress as a pre-cursor to the Shattered Star adventure path. I've also just fixed the forward navigation links, so if you want to start at Session 1 you can and easily move forward.

I'm also consolidation our first Pathfinder campaign, The Aldelle Group, into an easier to reference set of pages in the right sidebar. That can be found here. I have Book 1: Dyson's Delve completed, but I'm only part way through Book 2: The Gate Saga, so it is not visible yet.

Scarab Sages

Session 5 is now live on my blog, Bugbears for Breakfast.

We properly started the AP in this session while still wrapping up the intro adventure our GM ran, Master of the Fallen Fortress.

Scarab Sages

Sorry - fell behind on posting these.

Session 6 went live December 18.

Session 7 just went live today (December 24th). Half the part was arrested by the City Watch!

Session 8 will go live next week on New Year's Eve.

Thank you for reading!

Scarab Sages

Session 13 session notes are now live! Sorry for the gap in posting - life has been busy. Hope you like the unexpected turn!

Sessions 9 through 12 are also posted on Bugbears for Breakfast.

Scarab Sages

The continuing adventures of the Ratpack, a group of ratfolk adventurers going through the Shattered Star AP.

Session 14 - Deal with the Tower Girls in place, the search begins.

Session 15 - a day off to identify something and then the search resumes.

Scarab Sages

After a short hiatus in posting while I wrote my own D&D clone RPG, I recently resumed posting my session notes.

There are links at the bottom of the post to go back to any posts you might have missed as I've been terrible about posting here.

Session 23 - Dealing with Lord Baz

Scarab Sages

Book 1 wrapped up!

Session 32 - Covers wrapping things up. Follow the links at the bottom of the blog page to go back and read all the way through or at least since Session 23, the last time I posted here.

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