Crafting and Spell GP costs of materials without gold?

Ruins of Azlant

Sovereign Court

I'm a player, not a GM, in a recently started Ruins of Azlant game. Crafting things in this game seems to be a major focus but there is always a 'pay X in GP' to craft items and we are not finding a lot of gold along the way. And finding the raw materials is also an issue.

For example. To create a magic scroll, you have to make the paper, special ink(?), etc. to half the price of the scroll. From what I've seen, you can gather a Profession skill check in GP per week with steady work (aka no adventuring). This is basically doubling up the time required to make items since you have to also 'farm' the value of the components to make it.

Has someone created a revised profession skill system that makes acquiring the raw materials for crafting?

I've found the "Making Craft Work" for, well, making crafting work a bit better to still allow adventuring. But nothing that replaces the 'throw gold at the issue' for the materials.


Markusdark wrote:

Has someone created a revised profession skill system that makes acquiring the raw materials for crafting?

I think you will find this AP will certainly focus on roughing it in the wild and, depending on how your GM runs things, you may have to shift your paradigm away from the standard gold piece economy of the mainland. Ask your GM if he/she will be using the Downtime Rules from Ultimate Campaign. We are utilizing those rules and the rather ambiguous concept of "capital" is working nicely for our players and their crafting needs. The rules essentially halve the gp requirements and the raw materials (paper, ink, flasks, etc.) are assumed as part of the process of bartering or harvesting/gathering. Also, the Downtime Rules allow for PCs to build rooms and buildings that can be very beneficial to crafters. My players were very concerned about crafting and resources when they started the campaign, but have found ways to make things work - after some struggle and effort, of course! As a player I hope you enjoy the challenge us much as my players have. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

This may be too late to help you, but others may find this useful...

In our Azlant campaign we have started using the salvaging rules from Ultimate Wilderness to help come up with crafting materials.

Basically, you can deconstruct a magic item and recover 1/3 (instead of 1/2 if you had sold it) of the mats for use in crafting a similar type magic item, i.e.: if you broke down a magic sword, you could fashion a new weapon or armor piece from the materials.

The exchange rate is not as favorable for nonmagical items - 1/4 instead of 1/2.

Salvaging may be useful in the early stages before good trade routes and other methods of exchange are opened up. Have a look at those rules in Ultimate Wilderness.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Yes, this is ancient by standards of the internet, but I thought I'd share how I'm handling money and purchases. I needed to prepare for this in advance as I have some small and some REALLY BIG alterations to the campaign.

I had decided to abstract the money issue.
Any gear that the players did not claim went to the community.
This would award the players with trade "GPV" (gold piece value), effectivly actual gold but not tangible coinage.
Magic items I have been giving 40%-50%, mundane around 25%-40%, atjusting with a little wiggle room based upon the general usefulness of the items.

The players have been able to use that stored "GPV" to purchase items from the settlements crafters rather than having to play out how every individual piece of loot is handled and avoid turing the game into Bartering & Bankrolls.

Its been pretty efficient and allows me a lot of room to fudge their available resources in case they don't manage to find every piece of hidden loot or pick up everything that isn't nailed down.

Plus throwing in the odd extra cracked and flawed ioun stones.

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