Help with Character !!!


Hey Guys,

Needing a little help with making a character.

-Currently, I am in a campaign where the DM is only allowing the fighter class and their archetypes from the players. The reason is he wants to see what type of fighters the players can create. (Personally, I think it is very interesting)

-He is not allowing magic but is allowing alchemy. (I want to venture into bombs, poisons, and suffocation items, ETC)

-Because we are not allowed to use magic he is being very considerate in other things to level out the no magic rule.

OK, so here is what I am wanting and need help with. I am running a Lore Warden Fighter Class with the Multi-Class variant of Inquisitor. The Campaign is expected to run at least until LVL 13.

-My goal is to create a character using the above as my base, but specializing in alchemy, as well as craft weapons and armor. I want my fighter to also be an engineer that can create himself a 4 or 6 leg mech suit, which is basically his armor, which he sits in.

-The Mech suit will be made completely out of Wood, Stone, Glass, Lether, or just anything that is not metal. It will be powered by an AIR Engine.

-I do not want to go larger than Large Size.

All that being said. Below you have what I have already played/planned for thus far. I am currently lvl 3. If you can get my mech suit a 2 claw+tail attack, that would be a plus. The DM is allowing me to have homebrewed feats as long as they seem to be well rounded. Below is also the wood and stone feat he allowed. I would also like to incorporate my alchemy into the suit. Like spitting or shooting fire and/or acid. Other ideas are welcomed. Please be as leveled as possible in the homebrewed Feats as possible if you use them.

1) Human Feat: Shield Pro Fighter Feat: Improved Shield Bash. Bonus Feat: Power Attack
2) Bonus Feat: Wood & Stone ( This is a homebrew feat that causes the character to give up all metal to specialize in wood and stone. He gets a +2 to all crafts that have wood and/or stone elements. This bonus increase to a +4 at lvl 8. Likewise, the reverse if he uses metal.)
3) Feat: Inquisitors Stern Gaze
4) Bonus feat:
5) Feat:
6) Bonus Feat:
7) Feat: Inquisitors Judgment: At 7th level, once per day, she can use the judgment class feature as an inquisitor of her character level – 3.
8) Bonus Feat:
9) Feat:
10) Bonus Feat:
11) Feat: Inquisitors Solo Tactics: At 11th level (Take Preacher: Determination)
12) Bonus Feat:
13) Feat:

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