Age of Ashes in Roll20

Age of Ashes

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Does anyone know if I can purchase Age of Ashes for Roll20? I am terrible at uploading and fixing maps and I really want my players to have a good experience. If it's not available, is there a plan for it to be available? If not, anyone have any tips to help make my players experience more enjoyable?


You can get the maps from the community thread here . That's what I did. Had to add my own dynamic lighting though. If you get the pdf there are ways to use the pictures as tokens for the npcs and monsters. A majority of the creatures are in the monster manual that is available in roll20. A few are new and require you creating them in roll20.


I would also REALLY appreciate Age of Ashes being available in Roll20 - It would save me SO MUCH time! After all, it was the first 2e Adventure Path, and a bunch of the later ones are available...

Roll20 is not part of Paizo. Paizo staff don't do any of the work to convert Paizo products for use at other sites.

If you want to see a new product on Roll20, you have to let the folks at Roll20 know about your interest. They're the ones who have to initiate the process and do all the work.

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