Purchase limits for PFS 2.0

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 1/5

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I am confused about what level items my PC can purchase

1) In the "Organized Play Basics - Pathfinder Society (2nd Edition)" under Purchasing Guidelines it states that you can buy common items of your level or less as well as your level +2 for chronicle items

2) in the "Player Basics - Pathfinder Society (2nd Edition)" under Purchasing Equipment it states that that you can buy common items of number more than your level+2 with the chronicle granting access to uncommon items

Which one is correct?

My gut feeling is that they meant to say "you can buy common items no higher than your level +2 and any items that appear on the scenario sheet regardless of level"

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

They both say same thing, just in different ways. The +2 level for items on chronicles is the key part.

Yes, the wording is confusion and hopefully on the list to be corrected.

The Exchange 1/5

Gary Bush wrote:

They both say same thing, just in different ways. The +2 level for items on chronicles is the key part.

Yes, the wording is confusion and hopefully on the list to be corrected.

Actually they do not say the same thing. The Player basics does not restriction buying common items of your level+2 while the Organized Play says there are restrictions on buying common items of level+2. The chronicle sheet would allow access to uncommon items

In other words, according to the Player Basics section, my level 2 PC could buy ANY level 4 common items as long as I had the cash. According to the Organized Play section, the same PC could only buy level 2 common items unless they were on the chronicle sheet.

Plyer Basics:
"...you will gain more wealth that can be used to buy any common item that is no more than 2 levels higher than your current level. Uncommon items may be granted by Chronicle sheets or through other special boons."

Organized Basics:
"You can always purchase the following items ...Any common equipment in sanctioned Pathfinder content with an item level equal to or less than your character’s level (minimum 2)."

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yes, they're not the same and are currently somewhat contradicting. If you wanted to be really pedantic, you could even point out that the rules in the Organized Play Basics only apply in settlements above a certain size, while the rules in the Player Basics have no such restriction. But that would be even more non-sensical as it would allow easier access to higher level common gear in smaller settlements...

I expect the rules in the Player Basics section to be cut and the rules in the Organized Play Basics to be the ones that we're intended to use. But until that happens, who knows...

I do have a remotely related question, however: if you gain access to an uncommon item, do you also gain access to variations of it, i.e. different materials, different runes applied, etc.? That is, assuming you have access to these materials and/or runes.

E.g., let's say my character has a chronicle that gives him access to the uncommon martial weapon Spiked Chain.

-Would that also allow him to purchase a +1 Spiked Chain (since the +1 rune is common and level 2, it should generally be available to all characters, regardless which of the two guidelines you use)?

-Similarly, would it also allow him to buy a low-grade cold iron Spiked Chain (low-grade cold iron being a common level 2 material)?

I have so far always assumed that that was the case, but a recently published scenario rewards an uncommon weapon for subtier 1-2 and a +1 version of the same uncommon weapon for subtier 3-4. So is that just redundant or have I been doing it wrong so far?

The Exchange 1/5

I would think it is redundant.

My opinion (and that is all it is) is that they put the actual weapon used by the npc in the relevant tiers on the chronicle sheet since spiked chain is uncommon. They didn't bother to remove the +1 tag since they just copied the item from the stat block. It is also possible they will have a boon which reduce chronicle item costs so then it is not quite redundant.

In regards to low-grade cold iron, I am more at a loss. I would think that it is NOT available since the treasure represents the actual item used

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

During the scenario (if you get it at all) you are actually given either a low-grade cold iron version for subtier 1-2 or a +1 striking version for subtier 3-4.

In the chronicle, those are reduced to what I've listed above. So there was no actual copy/paste involved here.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Relatedly, do you actually strike it from your chronicle, after you have first bought it? Say, if the initially bought Spiked Chain got destroyed, can I buy a new one, or do I have to wait until I get another one on another chronicle?

From a practical point of view, I think it makes the most sense to allow access to that pattern of weapon, once you've had it on your chronicle, and allow for different materials as well. Or at least use such a rule for uncommon items, while you could have more restrictive rules for rare items, with unique items obviously being non-replacable...

The Exchange 1/5

My understanding is that if an item is limited (listed as limit # in parenthesis), you strike it when you purchase and specify on tracking sheet when you bought it. If there is no limit mentioned, you can buy it as often as you like.

Again, I do not think you would have access to the pattern only the specific weapon

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

This error came up at my tables today and caused huge problems with a lower level party dishing out huge damage with level 4 striking runes. Tipped the balance of power considerably. I pointed out the rule in one section and they countered with s rule that clearly said the opposite was true.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So with two conflicting and contradicting rules at hand, it was the GMs call to adjudicate which rule was valid, right?

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Yes. And I ruled it could not be used. And also felt like the concept of org play as a consistent, fairly adjudicated system was undermined in everyone’s eyes. As the local VC one would think a basic rule like this would be within my knowledge to define, but I only have the guide to go off of just like everyone else.

4/5 ****

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While I agree that the guide has a problem here, I think the intent is clear.

About a half dozen sections of the guide say it's anything common up to your level or level +2 from a chronicle sheet.

One section, using a slightly odd wording says something else.

That said, if you feel otherwise there's just enough evidence based on that last quote that I couldn't definitively say you were wrong.

OP Guide -Purchasing Guidelines wrote:

You can always purchase the following items so long as you’re in a settlement of at least 5,000 residents (and scenarios may

sometimes provide additional allowances or limitations):
• Any common equipment in sanctioned Pathfinder content with an item level equal to or less than your character’s level (minimum
• Any uncommon equipment in sanctioned Pathfinder content with an item level equal to or less than your character’s level
(minimum 2); your character must have access to this uncommon equipment such as through meeting its Access condition.
• Any equipment listed on your character’s Chronicle sheets with an item level equal to or less than your character’s level + 2.
Some items found on Chronicle sheets are available for purchase only a limited number of times.
• Any items and services purchased with Fame
Starting Wealth wrote:
You can also spend your wealth to purchase any common item of your level or lower, including common items without a listed level.
OP Guide - Chronicle Sheets wrote:
J. Items*: Characters gain access to the items listed in this section with a level up to their character level +2
OP Guide - Infamy wrote:
The character has earned a reputation for performing unseemly deeds. The maximum item level of equipment the character can purchase decreases by 1 (to a minimum of level 1 equipment). This typically means that the PC can purchase equipment with an item level equal to their level – 1 and can purchase equipment listed on a Chronicle sheet only if its level is at most 1 higher than their level
OP Guide - Character Options wrote:
Characters can purchase items of up to their level, or up to their level + 2 when they appear on a Chronicle sheet.
OP Guide - Purchasing Equipment wrote:

As you complete adventures, you will gain more wealth that can be used to buy any common item that is no more than 2 levels higher

than your current level. Uncommon items may be granted by Chronicle sheets or through other special boons.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I didn’t realize it was written that way in so many places. I always felt that us the intent but damn, that one that says the opposite really has to be fixed on the double.

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