Elixir of Life Progression

Homebrew and House Rules

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I was looking at the Elixir of Life progression something felt off.
You jump from 1d6 to 3d6+6. Healing 1d6 is okay at first level but pretty inadequate after that. At level 5, it jumps to 3d6+6, almost 5 times the average healing of the last level.
I was thinking of smoothing out the curve and Paizo's design intent seemed very clear by looking at the Elixirs of Life themselves.
They seem to improve similarly to 2 action Heal spell as spell levels progress. While Heal improves by 1d8+8, Elixirs of Life improve by 1d6+3.
The increases happen at every 2 spell levels, except Major at Level 15, which increases the bonus to saves vs poison/disease.
Considering that, we can create new Elixirs of Life for the missing spell levels, smoothing out the Alchemist healing curve.
I didn't increase the saves bonuses since Major was created in a "half-step", increasing the bonus. I'd say Paizo would create another "half-step" Elixir if the bonus to saves would be increased.
Since Alchemists are currently being seen as a little bit weaker than most, I don't see this being damaging to balance.

- Minor: Level 1 (spell level 1) - 1d6, +1 to saves
- Minor+: Level 3 (spell level 2) - 2d6+3, +1 to saves
- Lesser: Level 5 (spell level 3) - 3d6+6, +1 to saves
- Lesser+: Level 7 (spell level 4) - 4d6+9, +1 to saves
- Moderate: Level 9 (spell level 5) - 5d6+12, +2 to saves
- Moderate+: Level 11 (spell level 6) - 6d6+15, +2 to saves
- Greater: Level 13 (spell level 7) - 7d6+18, +2 to saves
- Major: Level 15 (spell level 8) - 8d6+21, +3 to saves
- Major+: Level 17 (spell level 9) - 9d6+24, +3 to saves
- True: Level 19 (spell level 10) - 10d6+27, +4 to saves

What do you guys think about it?

Makes sense to me, looks good. Biggest concern is that this just eats more of the alchemist's automatically learned formulas though.

BellyBeard wrote:
Makes sense to me, looks good. Biggest concern is that this just eats more of the alchemist's automatically learned formulas though.

I haven't looked at the formula list post-release, but I recall building a high level alchemist and literally could not learn a (9th?) level formula because literally zero existed.

Sovereign Court

For my own house rules, I noticed the same strange progression, but rather than create 2 versions of a Minor potion as you did, I simply made the Minor give 1d6+3 healing no matter the level.

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