Minor Errata for City of Broken Idols, Dungeon #145

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Better late than never!

Page 64: As a maurezhi demon, Onailati has no spell-like ability or magic to teleport. If he cannot escape on foot, a skinwalker might escape to warn the temple of the PCs approach. You could give Onailati a one-use item to teleport or simply allow the PCs to make an initial surprise attack on the temple should they prevent any of the ambushers from escaping.

Page 68: “The two secret doors on the balconies are of stone”

This is incorrect. The secret door leading to Location 6 is, indeed, up at the balcony level. However, the secret door leading to Location 8 is not at the balcony level but is, instead, at base ground level with respect to Location 3. It is in the wall underneath the balcony.

Page 68: Chief Achcauhtli’s bashing light wooden shield has a base damage of d6, not d8. Thus, he does 1d6+3 hp of damage when striking with the shield. Also, with his Multiattack feat his natural weapons (two claws and a bite) are hitting at a -2 penalty. They are unaffected by his two-weapon fighting style since these natural attacks are the lion/rakasta skin part of the chieftain skinwalker rather than the human part of him. Thus, with a BAB of +17 and a Strength bonus of +5, his attacks with natural weapons should be 17+5-2 = +20, not the +19 which is listed.

Page 69: “Once four skinwalkers are slain, the survivors howl in rage - this din is enough to call the Chieftain, his ape animal companion and the second acolyte into the battle.”

Skinwalkers share an empathic communal consciousness while they are within sixty feet of each other as a supernatural ability (see page 84). Therefore, making any noise at all is unnecessary. From the very first round of combat, the chieftain and acolyte can begin prepping for the battle just in case by casting spells, and know exactly how many of their fellows have fallen as the battle progresses.

Page 77: The fiendish template applied to a kopru behemoth increases the creature’s CR by +2, not +1. So, the taboo temple kopru are CR 12.

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