Which Adventure does Tar-Baphon Break Free?

Tyrant's Grasp

Dark Archive

Hello, I have all the books in the AP but don’t want to read them in case I get to play one day but do want to read how the Whispering Tyrant breaks free of Gallowspire.

Which issue of the AP does this happen?

Liberty's Edge

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This is literally the first thing that happens in the AP. Like, it happens pre-first session.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It happens in the gap between book 3 and 4, arguably at the same time as Vigil bites it in Book 3.

Short summary, he basically destroys Gallowspire, the Great Seal, and the upper reaches of Gallowspire's sub-levels with the Radiant Fire.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Deadmanwalking wrote:
This is literally the first thing that happens in the AP. Like, it happens pre-first session.

No, that's him still testing to make sure it works.

His freedom is within minutes after the devastation in Book 3. Between Book 3 and Book 4 is close enough.

Liberty's Edge

Ron Lundeen wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
This is literally the first thing that happens in the AP. Like, it happens pre-first session.

No, that's him still testing to make sure it works.

His freedom is within minutes after the devastation in Book 3. Between Book 3 and Book 4 is close enough.

Ah. Gotcha.

Dark Archive

Thanks gents, have fun strorming the AP!

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