Looking for suggestions

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Hey guys. So, I am gonna be starting an Eberron game in the next few weeks, and when I DM, I usually just take some published materials and reskin it to fit the world, and add my own flair to it. Anyway, I am wanting to use the tried and true method of “starting in a tavern” and I was curious if anyone had some suggestions for maybe some of Paizos best Taverns that was maybe published in one of their adventure paths, etc. that I could potentially use. Appreciate the advice!

Paizo actually has entire campaign setting book of them! Right here. It's a really well done book, I've got it and love the detail.

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Phaedre wrote:
Paizo actually has entire campaign setting book of them! Right here. It's a really well done book, I've got it and love the detail.

Oh nice!! Thanks for that!!!

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