Compendium books?

Product Discussion

Hi Paizo,

probabily this question has already addressed somewhere, nonetheless I'd like to know - now that PF1 is over and PF2 is going to take fly - if you have any editorial project about "compendium" books for PF1(spells, feats, archetypes, traits). Like pocket editions, they could be (potentially...) wonderful supports to find informations. I'm a bit traditionalist, so at least an old-fashioned paper book (special edition?) with every spell on it will be great to have.

Meanwhile Nethys bless His own digital archives :D

Thank you :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Financially not viable. Paizo would have to effectively hire additional people to put out books like these on the top of their regular schedule, which combined with the fact that it's redundant for a big chunk of potential buyers because AoN/d20pfsrd exist means it's bad ROI.

Besides, a book with every Pathfinder spell would be likely around 1000 pages big. Even traditionalists would balk at the size and unwieldiness of such monster. And the shipping costs would be...

So, a lot of strikes against, few in favour. Getting used to the XXI century and referencing the existing all-inclusive tools is the way to go.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

If it were viable, there would be 3rd parties doing it already.

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Gorbacz wrote:
Besides, a book with every Pathfinder spell would be likely around 1000 pages big. Even traditionalists would balk at the size and unwieldiness of such monster. And the shipping costs would be...

Piffle, I say!

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