Season 0 Factions

Pathfinder Society

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This may have been addressed in previous forums or old posts; but I have an odd question. When reading through the faction handouts given to players at the beginning of the session; from a role-playing perspective; how do you suppose those players got ahold of their handouts/missions/papers? Assuming they are all at the Grand Lodge in Absalom for example for one of the missions; I'm assuming each faction had their own major spy network that somehow got these missions to their agents?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

You no longer hand out those missions.

Some scenarios run really short as a consequence.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I understand that. I'm just saying from a role-playing perspective those mission handouts; it would be hard for the agent to get those missives from their factions. would have to be a heck of a spy network for each faction to slip them their missions

4/5 ****

There are some answers to how this happens, but they are major spoilers for how The Pathfinder Society operates and some very special scenarios.

Secrets that have been kept to an impressive degree for almost a decade now.

I know that's a non answer to your question, but there is an in-universe explanation to your question, and perhaps one day you can enjoy discovering it the way it was meant to be discovered.

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