Subscribing from the other side of the Pond

Paizo General Discussion

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I live in Europe and I am interested in subscribing to a few Pathfinder products.
I assume there are other European players here so I am asking for their advice.

Paizo store's prices are pretty good, and with enough subscriptions you can get that 15% discount and the PDF version as a bonus. Shipping price, however, seems to be quite high (depending on the order it might even be as much as the product price).
Also, I assume you have to pay customs when the stuff arrives, right (I live in France, if that matters) ?

So I am wondering if the subscription from overseas are really the best way to get the books.

So, in other words: European players.. where do you get your Pathfinder fix?

I subscribed a long time ago, but don't regret it a bit.

I am from Austria, and the VAT and customs are such that if the value of the package is below 22€, (most months if there is just an AP-volume) I don't have to pay anything more than Paizo charges.
If it's more than 22€, I have to pay 20% Import sales tax + 10€ customs handling fee, which usually is (incl. S+H from Paizo) still an okay deal with the PDF included (compared to the price of the book bought in Austria and the PDF bought seperately). And I get the PDF as soon as the items ship from Paizo, which is up to a week before street date.

But: that only really works for me with books. As soon as I subscribe to more lines (Accessories, pawns, minis...) shipping costs increase and PDF's aren't a factor.

Amazon usually has the books a bit cheaper, but also often late to arrive. (And I dislike Amazon, but it is cheap.)

My FLGS has okay prices, but also often doesn't have the books fast, but Pawns (especially Bestiary Pawn Boxes) I get from that place, saving very much on shipping. Those boxes are heavy.

And really, I mostly use the PDF's to read new stuff, but use the books at the table playing/GMing, so getting those PDF's early and having their (regular) price be about as much as shipping is all the incentive I need.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How did the Atlantic get refered to as "the Pond" in the first place?

A yank who thinks that is a cool nickname for it.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tim Statler wrote:

How did the Atlantic get refered to as "the Pond" in the first place?

A yank who thinks that is a cool nickname for it.

wikipedia wrote:
The term The Pond is often used by British and American speakers in context to the Atlantic Ocean, as a form of meiosis, or sarcastic understatement. The term dates to as early as 1640, first appearing in print in pamphlet released during the reign of Charles I, and reproduced in 1869 in Nehemiah Wallington's Historical Notices of Events Occurring Chiefly in The Reign of Charles I, where "great Pond" is used in reference to the Atlantic Ocean by Francis Windebank, Charles I's Secretary of State.

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