Major Website Code regression? 2019-09-13

Website Feedback

Sovereign Court

Has there been a major regression in the code of the website? Several issues that were fixed before are back again, such as novas showing up incorrectly on profiles, and new features are missing, such as the Playtest Boons page.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Looks like something happened yesterday afternoon (from the outside it looks like Thursdays PMs is when they update organized play related functionality, at least its been the past couple of weeks). And the boons page disappeared, and the GM/Report page errors out (landing on an error page that references last year's playtest surveys/playtest downloads).

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

We just finished rolling back the code to the previous build, you have my personal thanks for bringing this to our attention.

In short, we pushed a small change that was intended to improve email performance yesterday afternoon, but a number of the fixes and improvements that are currently being QA'd managed to catch a ride with it to the live website. We've reverted the build to the previous one and things should be working as they were previously. We've identified how it happened and should prevent it from happening again.

Thanks again!

- Erik K

Sovereign Court

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