Ancestry Weapon Size bonuses

Homebrew and House Rules

I am creating an ancestry of almost giant-sized creatures. One of their heritages is associated with their capability to wield large weapons for a medium-size creature. The way I modelled the larger weapons was granting a +2 damage when wielding large weapons with no disadvantages. I consider this a fair enough benefit for a heritage. However, I don't like the way it interacts with other abilities, especially, the Giant barbarian instinct, since the titan mauler says specifically "You can’t remove this clumsy condition or ignore its penalties by any means while wielding the weapon." Since my heritage grants a large weapon with no penalty. Creating a Giant instinct barbarian of my ancestry will in effect create a member of that heritage that is actually worst at wielding large weapons than someone that is not a giant instinct barbarian.
My question is:
How can I word a way to circumvent the penalties from the barbarian or even the enlarge spell that is not quite wordy or cumbersome.
Or should I grant the clumsy condition to members of my heritage to be consistent? And If I do it, will it be underpowered to grant +2 to damage in exchange of the clumsy condition?

Thanks in advance.

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