AARP 2.0

Homebrew and House Rules

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

AARP (Alternate Ages Rules for Pathfinder) 2.0

No rules for aging in the CRB (DMG maybe?) and the first game I am running plans on skipping levels/time with one player in particular wanting aging rules. I wasn't much fan of any aging rules as they pretty much only covered stats and not skills. So many videos of old strong/dextrous people showing up on AGT. Seldom do I see people getting wiser, smarter, and more charismatic with age. Rarely happens, especially not with my family or neighbors...

I will be using the same age categories as PF1. Just changing the benefits/drawbacks of aging. So here is a rough first draft:

Middle Age
Your character can no longer gain ability boosts to Constitution when leveling up. Increase the trained proficiency rank in one skill of your choice. You may not increase that skill to Master or Legendary rank.

Old Age
Decrease your character's Constitution score by four points. Increase the proficiency of two different skills by one proficiency rank. You may not increase a skill to Legendary rank.

Venerable Age
Decrease your character's Constitution score by four points. Increase the proficiency of two different skills by one proficiency rank.

Death {Optional}
After hitting venerable age, the GM rolls to determine your character's maximum age. Death and Dying or Lowered Ability conditions affecting on your character may result in death. Roll a Constitution check against the DCs listed below whenever your character suffers from the following conditions: clumsy, doomed, drained, dying, enfeebled, stupefied, unconscious, and wounded. If the character fails the check, the player decides if the character dies instantly or during their next rest.

Venerable age - 25% of maximum age = DC 0
26% - 50% of maximum age = DC 5
51% - 75% of maximum age = DC 10
76% - maximum age = DC 15

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