Question about religion at Breachill

Age of Ashes

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi folks,

This is my first post here, I have a question about the religion at Breachill. Breachill is located at Isger which is a LN and the main religions are Asmodeus, Erastil, diabolism. Isger is a vassal state from Cheliax which is a LE Nation and the main religion is Abadar, Asmodeus, Erastil, Iomedae, Zon-Kuthon. The church of Asmodeus is Cheliax’s official state religion, the Hellknights of the Order of the Nail only left the city a decade ago. So how it is possible to Breachill have mentioned only temples to good gods, a temple/tavern to Cayden Cailen (CG) another to Desna (CG) other to Shelyn (NG)? After reading about the region I expected to see at least a big church of Asmodeus even as a mark of the how the Cheliax ruled his people.
I'm new at Pathfinder so I may be missing something really obvious, I don't want to be annoying but I'm really curious about this.
Thanks in advance.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Only a guess, but with Cheliax's recent internal strife, their vassal states might be trying to start pulling away. Breachhill may be an unusual town though, many other towns in the region might have only temples of Asmodeus. As a town with attracting heroes playing such a large part of their identity this makes sense to me.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think that the heavy presence of good-aligned (and even chaotic-aligned) deities could be explained by the combination of two elements:

First, the inhabitants of Breachill are not only open-minded towards adventurers but they even incite them to come to their town by hiring them for various tasks. And, amongst the adventurers who come by to help, it makes sense that faith in Cayden Cailean (freedom, adventure, daring) or Desna (exploration, travel) is quite common. So, all those visiting adventurers would bring along many chaotic-aligned and good-aligned ideas to Breachill (ideas that might also be especially attractive to people who were stuck with very lawful-aligned hellknight neighbours).

Second, I don't recall reading any details about how life in Breachill was when the Hellknights were still occupying the citadel, but I would guess that the presence of so many strong and armed lawful warriors nearby sometimes made things difficult for the inhabitants who tended more towards the chaotic alignment. So, when the LN Hellknights left, some of those people might have finally felt free to express their opinions and their faiths... that could explain the creation of a temple-tavern to Cayden Cailean and a place of worship to Desna, in reaction to strictness imposed by the Hellknights.

But that's just my take on it.

(Hey, and welcome to Pathfinder and Golarion !)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A couple of points:

There's also the backstory about who/how the town was founded that I think gives ample room for the more benevolent deities to have established churches,etc.

Breachill is small enough not to matter to the nation as a whole that a fair bit of divergence from the national norms is fine.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks for the answers. For me who lived almost my entire life at Brazil a former colony of Portugal, the Roman Catholicism was the official religion of the Portuguese Empire and even today we can see the marks of this. It's really hard to find a city without a catholic church even the most remote cities at that time or cities who appeared way long after the separation of church and state.

While discussing this with other Brazilians Pathfinder enthusiast at facebook I found they don't share the same view and some interesting possible causes for what happened in Brazil with Catholic Church wasn't replicated by Asmodeus Church in Cheliax or at least not in Isger.

Some are:
* Cheliax is too new to be homogeneous at Oficial religion.
* Cheliax government is so involved in turmoils, that don't have time/power to enforce the official religion.
* Breachill is older than Asmodean movement so it was so consolidated and it is a so remote city in the border of a not so important vassal state that doesn't matter.
* The edict issued by Queen Abrogail II, allowing citizens to worship other gods than Asmodeus or one of the other powers of Hell may mean they don't care.

My major concern was missing a curch of Asmodeus in the city but other players also said this may conflict with the plot and it is not related to the purpose of this adventure path. Also, some DM said they will include at least a minor NPC from the Church of Asmodeus on their cities to be a kind of bureaucrat of the government.

Thanks for giving me ideas and explain a little more about this awesome and big scenario. Also thanks for the kind welcoming.

Best regards and nice dice rolls to all.

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Getting ready to run the AP and this is bugging me too. What I've come up with is:

-Cayden's keg and Shelyn's smile are successful businesses, so perhaps those businesses were fronts for the religions in darker times, and now that the hellknights are gone and Thrune's power is waning they worship openly. (Desna must be relatively new)

-When the hellknights arrived and suddenly somebody cared that there was no church of Asmodeus in town, maybe the council asked them to hold services in their fancy new citadel?

germanosk wrote:

Thanks for the answers. For me who lived almost my entire life at Brazil a former colony of Portugal, the Roman Catholicism was the official religion of the Portuguese Empire and even today we can see the marks of this. It's really hard to find a city without a catholic church even the most remote cities at that time or cities who appeared way long after the separation of church and state.

While discussing this with other Brazilians Pathfinder enthusiast at facebook I found they don't share the same view and some interesting possible causes for what happened in Brazil with Catholic Church wasn't replicated by Asmodeus Church in Cheliax or at least not in Isger.

Some are:
* Cheliax is too new to be homogeneous at Oficial religion.
* Cheliax government is so involved in turmoils, that don't have time/power to enforce the official religion.
* Breachill is older than Asmodean movement so it was so consolidated and it is a so remote city in the border of a not so important vassal state that doesn't matter.
* The edict issued by Queen Abrogail II, allowing citizens to worship other gods than Asmodeus or one of the other powers of Hell may mean they don't care.

My major concern was missing a curch of Asmodeus in the city but other players also said this may conflict with the plot and it is not related to the purpose of this adventure path. Also, some DM said they will include at least a minor NPC from the Church of Asmodeus on their cities to be a kind of bureaucrat of the government.

Thanks for giving me ideas and explain a little more about this awesome and big scenario. Also thanks for the kind welcoming.

Best regards and nice dice rolls to all.

So are you the GM of your game? Because there's some pretty important context that contains spoilers if you're a player. Even without spoilers, remember that Breachhill is actually pretty isolated. Part of what made it so weird that all those amnesiacs found themselves out there was that it isn't really near any major civilization. And then the town was established without any influence from the governments of Isger or Cheliax. I don't think it is specified if Breachhill even pays taxes to either nation.

Even the Hellknight citadel nearby doesn't seem to have been focused on maintaining control in Breachhill. They probably cared more about taming the savage wilderness around the town.

So the town isn't really typical of Isger and has no real reason to have a special relationship with Asmodeus from its origin.

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