I need some great gnome pranks!


So I’ve just started a new game in which I’m playing a gnome fighter/ thief. The character is a former mercenary in a relatively gothic/ steampunk campaign world.. as such, he’s lost many, if not all of his friends to the atrocities of war. Because pranks and practical jokes are generally important to gnomes, I want the character to remember his army buddies by great pranks.

The problem is that i’m Not even a little bit of a practical joker, so while I could come up with a good prank or two, I don’t think I could come up with enough jokes to cover a whole merc company. Please help.

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Though you've asked for help here in the 3.5/d20/OGL forum, it's not visited very often these days. Try asking this question in the Advice forum. I bet you get some help there.

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