Pathfinder 2nd Edition for Fantasy Grounds?

Product Discussion

How long after August 1st will the 2nd Edition materials be available on Fantasy Grounds? It's the greatest VTT software on the market and makes playing Pathfinder even more enjoyable!

Probably not long after, might even be on the day if there was dealing before release.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That's something that FG will need to announce... And they might have? I'm following the kickstarter, but I rarely go in their forums.

They never announce things before they're really ready. The guy who did the Playtest version was really on top of things, so I expect a—bare minimum—version that does the basic calculations within a week or two of launch, if not Day One.

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Gwaihir Scout wrote:
They never announce things before they're really ready. The guy who did the Playtest version was really on top of things, so I expect a—bare minimum—version that does the basic calculations within a week or two of launch, if not Day One.

They have said it will be day 1. -of-pathfinder-2-what-material-will-be-in-fg&p=445351&viewfull=1#po st445351

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