The Animorphs (hoping someone will know what I'm talking about)

Homebrew and House Rules

So, for anyone who read the books as a kid, if you wanted to make a Pathfinder group based on the Animorphs what would they be? I think

Jake- fighter
Marco- rogue
Ax- wizard
Tobias- Ranger
Cassie- Druid
Rachel- Bloodrager (was going to do barbarian but she's described as pretty and popular so I imagine she'd have some charisma).

Honestly, if I were to make the animorphs, I would probably write them all up as Thaumaturges with the Experimentalist archetype. Their individual strengths and weaknesses can be handled with ability score allotment, skills, and feats.

Tobias I woudlnt' call a ranger... Sure he hunts and animal stuff.. but he's kind of bad at all of it? Except when he "loses to his instincts"
I'd honestly call him some sort of rogue. When he's fought he's only done it from a sneaky dive bomb and immeddiate escape (when he hasn't he almost died.. like every time?). He's pretty bad at actually tracking (lost Rachael several times in known areas). He is however extremely sneaky. Even sneaking around Yerk encampments, space ships, etc where no bird should be.. ever.

Marco doesn't seem rogue to me.. more bard? He can whale on folks with the right circumstances. But most of the time he's the one with a weird impromtu plan, and he's the one whose talked people into breaking free, and being around him long enough converted one or two yerks over the years. He's also the first to combine DNA and splice a new form (in this case a human).

cassie as a druid... Maybe? Aspects yeah. but maybe Hunter or a mechanically sound version of the shifter... She is very intune with animal version but she also has some moments that def make me think no strong druid magic.

Rachel.. Bloodrager would probably work. But I would actually have gone with Dragon Disciple I think. Maybe Bloodrager into it. but origianly I would've gone Sorcerer+barb, to dragon disciple. She has had several moments of complete unpredictability and charisma. Is the only one (i remember) whose pulled out neigh magical wins. and fights in a way that does make me think "prebuff". but of course she can totally lose herself into an animal form for combat (bear usually but dragon is a similar concept transposing the real world threats to fantasy world threats).

Axe... he is young but he does has combat ability. Focused on the tail. and is far less good with other combat. but knows a lot and has some tricks. but has a endearing naivity to people.
I'd make him a Blade Adept ARcanist. Lots of magical abilities via the andy tech. focused on one kind of weapon (his tail). with a ready made toolbox (daily choices of spells + sla/su).

Jake.. honestly i kind of hate that character so i'm less sure...
But I would've gone with Paladin, who became disillusioned, but retained most of his abilities. Then became a swashbuckler or probably an investigator (with midling int)

Jake: Cavalier - tactile leader

Marco: fits as a Rogue - he’s certainly the party face. Alternatively, there’s a Gnome-specific Bard archetype that specializes in Sleight of hand and taunting enemies that would fit him nicely.

Ax: Fighter, prestige into Duelist - you have the right idea prioritizing Int with Ax, but he’s through and through a warrior. Duelist keeps Int relevant.

Tobias: borderline NPC imo, but you could at least go full thematic and do Ranger with the Falconier archetype...

Cassie: Druid works, or as Zwordsman said, Hunter or Shifter would work as well. Alternatively, you could focus on the healing aspect of her and go Cleric with the Animal Domain instead.

Rachel: your reasoning for making her a Bloodrager sounds perfect to me.

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