Huntsman - Hunter Archetype

Homebrew and House Rules

Hey. First stab at making my own archetype...I really wanted a full Bab Hunter w/out spells. I really wanted to focus on the PC and AC relationship. The inspiration was my brother in law who retired from the special forces and kept his service dog. He was on of those badasses that jumped out of airplanes with a dog attached to him...

Anyways I know historically some cultures have used dogs and animals in combat or that was my partial inspiration....below is a link, and you can leave a comment on that google doc.

I really want to make it a balanced archetype that maybe a GM will one day let me play to test it out. ykjE/edit?usp=sharing

Doesn't seem like that link works?

Sakrileg wrote: WZ9XLYykjE/edit?usp=sharing
InvisiblePink wrote:
Doesn't seem like that link works?

When you post a large string of characters all together like that, these boards will insert a space after 75 characters to allow for a line break. You'll notice there's a space towards the end of the URL.

Here is a link to the document.

Dark Archive

Just curious, have you seen the cavalier archetype huntmaster? It seems really similar to this

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